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This is where you learn the fundamentals of playing the
recorder. Learn how to:
- Hold your recorder
- Correctly place your
- Blow into your recorder
- Tongue each note
The most common
ailment of recorder playing. Here you can learn the
three common causes of squeaks and how to stop them from
happening to you. |
Here you will
find a basic fingering chart for beginning recorder players.
Included are examples for notes ranging from middle C to
High E along with F sharp and E flat. |
Don't know how
to read a fingering chart? Don't understand what the
black and white holes mean? Confused about the hole
that is one half white and one half black? Then click here
for some help. |
Think you know
your fingerings? Here are some quizzes to test your
level of expertise. The quizzes become more difficult
as they progress from the first to the last one, so
beginners be sure to start with Quiz 1.